Thank you!
9 months ago
– Wed, Jun 12, 2024 at 04:21:14 AM
I hope you're well.
Thank you so much for supporting our campaign - we were funded in 7 minutes, which took me by (a very pleasant) surprise!
I wanted to mention a couple of things that'll appear in the pledge manager (we use BackerKit). I'll send more out nearer to the time, but we'll be including a question in the survey about whether or not you'd like your books signed. I didn't include signed rewards in the Kickstarter, due to the number of extra rewards it would have spawned!

They'll also be a question about adding on a special Stat-Tracker bookmark we'll be creating for The Curse of Cthulhu. We've done this for both Innsmouth: The Stolen Child (see image above) and Monuments, and everyone seems to like them.
I'll be keeping you informed as the Kickstarter progresses.
Once again, thank you for your support!
Speak soon and stay safe,